Daylite: Intro & Inception

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I’ve always wanted to capture the journey of Daylite. The high highs and the low lows – every bit of it. This blog is as much a personal journal as it is a story for anyone interested in hearing it. I want my kids to read this one day and be proud that their father took one of the greatest risks of his life, quit his job, and followed his dream. My goal in life is to provide those kids with the tools and resources to do the same in their own lives.

I often think about what triggered me to start Daylite. I’ve wanted to start a business most of my adult life, but I had always been waiting for the right opportunity. Back in 08’ or 09’ I discovered a real passion for craft beer and had gotten in deep with the homebrew community, brewing every other day and dreaming of Cassidy Brewing Co while at my desk job. I got my foot in the door with a large brewery to gain experience for my craft pursuits, but things were good and I ended up in the beer industry for 12 or so years. It wasn’t a bad career, in fact it was quite successful and I enjoyed it a lot, but I always felt like something was missing. I wasn’t fulfilled in my job and felt this overwhelming desire to find purpose in my career…

It could have been a news article, or a podcast that mentioned cannabis in NJ, but something really struck me one day while sitting at my desk. The thought entered my mind and it consumed me. I knew this was it. I love weed – heck, I’ve been smoking it since I was 15 and had been busted for it a couple of times too. The thought that I could actually start a business being around something that I love and enjoy, shape a new industry, and get in at the ground level all seemed like an impossibility. But I kept going.

Within days I had formed my company and started the heavy load of building a business from scratch. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but something kept pushing me. I’m excited to share my story with you and delve into more details in our next post!


P.S. – the photo is me doing a chalk sketch of a different property that did not get approval. That was a blessing in disguise!